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Zombie Apocalypse Project: SlideShow Citations



Rule: If you are citing text that you've summarized or paraphrased, cite it just like you would in a written paper. 

Example: A virus of this type can infect the brain in minutes, turning a seemingly calm young lady into a flesh-eating monster (Doucleff).

(Click on the slideshow to the right for examples.) ------------->

Images and Maps

Rule: When citing images within the slide presentation, start with the word "Fig.", which stands for "figure". Then include a number that corresponds with the image. For example, if this is the first image that a person is likely to see when viewing your presentation, use the number "1". Then include the title of your image, followed by the Works Cited reference to the source.

Example: Fig. 1. Map of Hillsborough County and Amherst Municipality (Shaw).

(Click on the slideshow to the right for examples.) ------------->

Video/Audio/Table or Graph

Rule: When citing a video clip, audio clip or data chart in your slide show, begin with the word "Source" followed by a colon. Then paste the entire MLA citation for the video, audio or graph.

Example: Source: "Weekly U.S. Influenza Surveillance Report." Centers for Disease Control, U.S.Health and Human Services, Accessed 11 Apr. 2017. Chart.

(Click on the slideshow to the right for examples.) ------------->


Sample Citations